It’s not magic, but it’s also Not Therapy 🔮
From "troubled teens" to thriving teams—whether you’ve tried therapy, treatment programs, or are just so over feeling stuck, this one’s for you. 💚 Read the Not Therapy success stories and see what’s been working for families like yours!
The girl 💅 that NO ONE wants to talk about
Our take on Paris Hilton as two former troubled teen treatment survivors 💚
POV 👀 your treatment center is found liable for fraud
Mine and my peers' reactions when we learned our treatment center has to pay $2.5m in punitive damages for fraud.
why we struggle to keep it casual 👀
So oversharing our childhood trauma *isn't* how we make friends in the real world?
Treatment made me forget how to talk to people.
Imagine you’re heading off to your freshman year of college. You have that excited-anxious feeling about living on your own, making new friends, wondering if people will like you, and taking college classes. Now imagine feeling that way, but you haven’t talked to your peers for the last two years.
When the latest Netflix doc calls your residential treatment center a cult 😱
Last Tuesday, The Program: Cons, Cults, and Kidnapping was released on Netflix. We were straight-up shook after watching it.